What is the authentication logic of mobile third-party login?

I know that the OAuth2.0 protocol receives code, from the client and uses code in exchange for token and openID
in the background, but I don"t quite understand. When you see QQ logging into these third-party api, you can directly obtain token and openID, without code. Does it mean that the mobile third-party login does not have to be verified in this way? How on earth is the mobile third-party login verified?

your backend is pulling the user's relevant information

skipping a login entry page unified by their third party, and verifying what is written on the line, such as QQ three-party login: open on the web side (scan the authorization, check the client, login the account password to), APP to open (check APP, re-authorization, skip to the download page if not). Generally speaking, the business logic is not that complicated
