Vue star rating: report an error Getter is missing for computed property "methods".

excuse me, vue reported an error Getter is missing for computed property "methods". What does it mean?

<template id="star">
  <div class="star-box">


--> <div v-for="n in stars" class="star starcount" @click="mousedown(n)"></div> <div class="star-div"> <div v-for="n in format" :style="n==format?stylelist:repstyle" class="star starbg" @click="mousedown(n)" ></div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default{ name:"star", data:function(){ return { isdown:false, downnum:0, } }, props:["stars","starnum"], computed:{ format:function(){ return Math.ceil(this.starnum) }, stylelist:function(){ return { width:50*(1-this.format + this.starnum)+"px", } }, repstyle:function(){ return { width:50+"px", } }, // filters:{ // width:function(v){ // return v + "px" // }, // percent:function(v,n){ // var per = v / n // if(per>=1){ // return "" // }else if(per>=0.75){ // return "" // }else if(per>=0.5){ // return "" // }else if(per>=0.25){ // return "" // }else{ // return "" // } // } // }, methods:{ mousedown(n){ if((n-0.5)>this.starnum){ n=n-0.5 }else if((n-0.5)==this.starnum){ n=n }else{ n = n - 1 } // this.$emit("input",n) } } } } </script> <style scoped="scoped"> .star-div{ /*float: left;*/ position: absolute; } .star{ width: 50px; height: 50px; background-size: 50px 50px; background-repeat: no-repeat; float: left; } .starcount{ background-image: url(images/star24_on@2x.png); } .starbg{ background-image: url(images/star24_off@2x.png); } </style> html: <template> <div> :<input v-model.number="starnumber"> :<input v-model.number="stars"> <star :starnum="starnum" :stars="stars" @input="changenum"></star> </div> </template> <script> import star from "components/star/star" export default { name: "app", components: { star:star, }, data(){ return{ /**/ starnumber:5, stars:5, } } computed:{ starnum:function(){ if(this.starnumber>this.stars){ return this.stars }else{ return this.starnumber } } }, methods:{ // changenum:function(n){ this.starnumber = n }, </script>

methods should be at the same level as computed. You seem to have put methods in computed.

I think getter has not been put into computed
