After iview Select registers local components, no matching data is displayed

after the component introduces iview"s Select drop-down list. After registration as a local component, no matching data is displayed.

< div class= "select-plate" >

<Select v-model="model1" style="width:218px; ">
  <Option v-for="(item,index) in plateList" :value="item.value" :key="index">{{ item.label }}</Option>

< / div >

if you use it directly without registration, it"s fine, but it has no style and is ugly. Is there a style after registering as a partial component, but is there no way to display the data?

is this normal, please? Do you need to write your own style manually


you need to register the component!
your data format is estimated to be incorrect

  iview introduces Select component issues on demand  this problem, like you, shows no matching data. 
