Egg.js egg-mysql CRUD statement multi-table joint query of the same field

problem description

Multi-table federated query for egg-mysql CRUD statement for the same field.

official query code instance

const results = await"posts", { //  post 
  where: { status: "draft", author: ["author1", "author2"] }, // WHERE 
  columns: ["author", "title"], // 
  orders: [["created_at","desc"], ["id","desc"]], // 
  limit: 10, // 
  offset: 0, // 

for example: both tables in mysql have a field, how to select the data of both tables.
mysql is written as: "select a.authoritative form a where a.authoritative b.authoritative;

how to write according to egg.js.


I also want to know that if I just encountered this problem, I can't just ('sql')

I also encounter this problem, but my table is relatively simple. I directly create a view as a summary table, and then use egg-mysql 's select scheme to query the view.

has just made a more complex query, so I simply put the logic into the stored procedure, and then call the stored procedure directly.

< hr >

const queryResult = await app.mysql.query ('call proc_getFloorAndReply (?,?)', [ctx.userInfo.userId, lastId, pageSize]);

< hr >

of course it's a simple relational query. I think I'd better use the handwritten SQL and use the app.mysql.query method.

element-ui, egg.js, mysql, redis, front and rear separation, rights management, rapid development, different coding experience: 's best egg background framework
