Can vueclic scaffolding be copied to other locations for direct use after it is created?

Xiaobai has just started. When using vue-clic to create scaffolding, I found that copying directly to other locations can also work well through npm run dev when installing the dependent package through vue init webpack xxx,npm install. I would like to ask if I can just save the file package, every time I want to create a new project, I just copy this file and use it, so that I don"t have to go to the trouble of waiting for the template to be downloaded and created through the command line of cmd. I wonder if there will be any other problems? Thank you first


in a sense, scaffolding is the process of providing a configuration, then generating a configuration file, and then copying the template locally. So if you keep copying like this, if you want the same configuration, then this is optional

vue init actually supports local directories (it's actually a local template project, which is how we test our own templates), but there must be a template folder


if you just want to copy the previous project, it would be nice to copy it directly, but it's probably a little big, because there is node_modules
