What are the optimized ways to write this kind of code?

recently in the refactoring project, I saw such a structure in the code. I want to optimize it. I don"t know what appropriate ways to write it.

<li class="card-wrap" v-for="(item, idx) in orderList" :key="idx" @click="toDetail(item)">
            <div class="card">
              <div class="card-hd">
                <div class="text-shop">
                  <span class="text-state text-danger clearfix" v-if="item.status === 1 && parseFloat(item.payment_amount) !== -1"></span>
                  <span class="text-state" v-else-if="item.status === 3 || item.status === 6 && parseFloat(item.payment_amount) !== -1"></span>
                  <span class="text-state" v-else-if="item.status === 5 && parseFloat(item.payment_amount) !== -1"></span>
                <div v-if="parseFloat(item.payment_amount) !== -1" class="text-transform font-tp-m">
                  <span>{{item.payment_type==1 ? parseFloat(item.payment_amount).toFixed(4) :  parseFloat(item.payment_amount).toFixed(2) }} {{"paymentTypeName.name"}}</span>
                  <i class="icon-conversion"></i>
                  <span>{{item.payment_type==1 ? parseFloat(item.payment_amount).toFixed(4) : (parseFloat(item.payment_amount)/parseFloat(item.ex_rate)).toFixed(8)}} {{item.address.type}}</span>
                <div v-else class="text-transform font-tp-m">
                  <span>{{parseFloat(item.payment_amount_settled).toFixed(4)}} {{item.address.type}}</span>
                <div class="text-pay-state">
                    <p class="desc">

<span class="font-tp-m content">{{parseFloat(item.payment_amount_settled).toFixed(8)}}</span> <span class="font-tp-m content">{{item.payment_type === 1 ? item.address.type : "paymentTypeName.name"}}</span> </div> <div> <p class="desc">

<span class="font-tp-m content">{{parseFloat(item.payment_amount_unsettled).toFixed(8)}}</span> <span class="font-tp-m content">{{item.payment_type === 1 ? item.address.type : "paymentTypeName.name"}}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li>

existing problems:

  1. there are several v-if v-else-if in which there are many condition judgments, which are not intuitive
  2. .
  3. uses a lot of parseFloat (number) .tofixed (n), and some values have to be distinguished according to payment_type. Sometimes they are displayed directly, and sometimes they are calculated and displayed according to the existing values. And I have seen many pages with such a similar structure. Can there be a unified and elegant way to write them?
  4. and my colleagues in the background developer told me that I cannot display these data directly, because the data returned by the background may have negative numbers, and if there are any negative numbers, they should be displayed as 0
  5. .


with the computed calculation attribute of vue

idle, random answers, for reference only, not responsible.

Status merging in
  • HTML displays different results, including content and class eg:, based on the requested data

personally, I think it would be good to integrate the data structure. The dom element is only responsible for output, and all the data is integrated in js and ok
