Html generates good-looking code

create the original src examples / / directory, Change it to examples to be used as an example to show
"App.vue / / Home Page File"
"main.js / / Project entry File"
"" docs / / markdown help documentation folder
"" router
"index.js / / routing configuration File
"" src / add src to write and store components
storage index.js / / component set. " Configure the file into a unified access file
custom components / / component folder
custom directive directives / / Custom directive folder
blending mixins / / mixing files
styles styles / / style folder

what js do you use if you want to generate such a directory interface in html?



  tags to directly retain the original format 

examples //  src  examples 
  App.vue //
  main.js //
 docs //markdown
 index.js //

src //  src 
  index.js //
 components //
 directives //
 mixins //
 styles // has written one before and cannot be found. Let's take a look at this first. When you find it, release it

need node to know

generally use the tree command that comes with the system to generate a tree tree, and then copy it to the markdown file to comment one by one
