Regular expressions do not match

implement an 8 to 16 bit

the first letter is capitalized and the rest contains at least one number and one lowercase letter

/ ^ [Amurz] {1} (? =. [Amurz]) (? =. [Amurz]) (? = .* d) [^] {7 < 15} $/

above is what I wrote, which synthesizes the methods I have found, but it is not correct



^ [A 9A-Z Z] {1} (?! [0-9] + $) (?! [a-zA-Z] + $) (?! [1-9A-Z] + $) [0-9A-Za-z] {8Be16} $




? = Zero width assertion, which only matches a position, not a specific character

var reg = /^[A-Z]{1}(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).{7,15}$/

or vice versa

var reg = /^[A-Z]{1}(?![a-zA-Z]{7,15}$)(?![0-9]{7,15}$).{7,15}$/;