Vue registers local components always say that my subcomponents are introduced in the wrong path

when the vue-cli, used in the project introduces components, it is always said that my introduction path is wrong, and that all kinds of paths have been tried or not.


this is how I introduce child components in the parent component:

/ / introduce drug finishing components

import drug_arrangement from "./drug_arrangement.vue"


import drug_arrangement from "@/components/new_medication_history/drug_arrangement.vue"

and then keep saying that I introduced the path incorrectly:

This dependency was not found:

  • !! Vuemuri styleMutual loader? {"sourceMap": true}!. / node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler/index? {"vue": true, "id": "data-v-d0646478", "scoped": true, "hasInlineConfig": false}! less-loader? {"sourceMap": true}!. / Nodeblocks modulesAccording to VueMuyLoader. LIBG selectable typewritten stylesindexloader index.Drugharmarrangement.vue in. / src/components/new_medication_history/drug_arrangement.vue

To install it, you can run: npm install-- save!! VueMurstyleMueller loader? {"sourceMap": true}!. / node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler/index? {"vue": true, "id": "data-v-d0646478", "scoped": true, "hasInlineConfig": false}! less-loader? {"sourceMap": true}!. / Nodeblocks modulesAccording to VueMUR loader LIBAG selectively typified styles.drugharmarrangement.vue


'@\ components\ new_medication_history\ drug_arrangement.vue'

try this

< hr >

looks like you didn't report this error because of a component reference error, did you

this is not to say that you are short of vue-style-loader. Or something?

your problem is not the introduction of components in the wrong way, I remember I encountered this problem, such as css-loader, dare to question the main use of less? It's still sass?.

see if the configuration file is configured with a path


Is the

problem solved? I have the same problem

this is not a component reference problem, but a resource reference problem within the < style > tag within the component.

within the tag, please use relative paths to reference resources such as pictures. This error should be reported if you use @ / assets/imgs/* .
