Vue Mouse add div

jquery becomes vue

want to imitate the jquery plug-in to write vue components, in the implementation process encountered the following problems,
want to add elements to html, the mouse to draw a rectangle, encountered difficulties in rendering to html,
renderLayer idea is to append on canvas, but with vue implementation do not know how to write, ask God to give a train of thought

  <div ref="canvas" id="canvas" @mousedown="canvasDown($event)" @mousemove="canvasMove($event)" @mouseup="canvasUp($event)">

  canvasDown(e) {
        this.drawing = true
        this.canvasOffset = this.$canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
        var x = e.pageX; // X
        var y = e.pageY; // Y
        this.props = {
          left: e.pageX - this.canvasOffset.left,
          top: e.pageY -,
          width: 0,
          height: 0
        // console.log(`${e.pageX}=========${ this.canvasOffset.left}`)
        // console.log(document.querySelector("-sharpcanvas").offsetTop)
        // this.$curLayer = this.renderLayer();

      canvasMove(e) {
        if (this.drawing) {
          this.props.width = e.pageX - this.props.left - this.canvasOffset.left;
          this.props.height = e.pageY - -;
      canvasUp(e) {
        this.drawing = false
        // if (props.width < 12 || props.height < 12) {
        //   this.$curLayer.remove();
        // } else {
        //   $curLayer.find(".handle, .layer-tip").removeClass("hide");
        //   self.isModified = true;
        //   console.log($curLayer)
        //   self.dragEvent($curLayer);
        //   self.bindEvent($curLayer);
        // }

renderLayer() {
      $layer = $layer || null;
        if (!$layer) {
          var idx = +new Date() + Math.floor(Math.random() * 900 + 100),
            html = [];
            "<div id="drag-" + idx + "" data-url="" data-target="" class="drag">",
            "    <span class="handle NE hide"></span>",
            "    <span class="handle NN hide"></span>",
            "    <span class="handle NW hide"></span>",
            "    <span class="handle WW hide"></span>",
            "    <span class="handle EE hide"></span>",
            "    <span class="handle SW hide"></span>",
            "    <span class="handle SS hide"></span>",
            "    <span class="handle SE hide"></span>",
            "    <span class="layer-tip hide"></span>",
            "    <span class="layer-close"></span>",
          $layer = $(html.join(""));

        props.lineHeight = props.height + "px";
         return $layer;

isn't there a v-html instruction? Just render directly

you can save the location information in data, change the location information when the mouse moves, and add a div in the template to adjust it according to this location information
