Use cordova to call the browser, click the physical return button, and the page will go blank for a period of time.

Android uses cordovaInAppBrowser to call the browser and click the physical return button of Android. The page will go blank for a period of time, and some phones will get stuck on the white screen.
there are two main problems:
1: what is the cause of this problem? Does
have anything to do with the browser"s caching mechanism? Or is it caused by clicking the physical return button?
$ (URL, target, options)
options adds the parameter hardwareback and still has a white screen.

2: how to optimize this problem? Or what is the direction of the solution?
because you want to preview the PDF file, if you use pdf.js, to call the browser without using cordovaInAppBrowser, there is a high probability that the preview of the file will flash. If you can"t solve the problem of white screen jam, is there any other way to preview the pdf file?
