What is the network in the two paths generated by vue cli 3 after using yarn serve



starts for the first time, this network is a non-local address. I would like to know where to modify the function and configuration of this network? I looked through the official documentation and couldn"t find the instructions for configuring network.


Local this address is local and can only be accessed by you personally on your own computer.
Network this address is a network address that can be accessed by people on the same local area network as you.
for example, your colleague needs to visit the project you are working on, but you have not deployed it online, so he can browse your project by visiting the address of Network.
or, if you are working on a web mobile project, you need to browse the effects on your phone, you open your phone browser and enter the Network address (provided that you and your computer are on the same local area network, for example, if you are connected to your company's wifi),.
is not limited to this.
the generated Network address is unchangeable, because it is your local IP address, and only the port number can be changed.
in vue-cli3.0, setting host:'', generates local and network network environments.
Local is: http://localhost: port number example: http://localhost:8080
Network is: http:// native ip+ port number example:

this represents your local address. There is no way to change it, except for the port number

Why my Network has been set to unavailable,host to ', and other network connections on this machine have been disabled

you create a new vue.config.js file
`module.exports = {

devServer: {
    host:'',   // 
    port: 8080,  //   9090
    proxy:{ }

} `

in the project.