How does the vue integrated Export2Excel.js plug-in style the export table?

recent development project has a function to export table data, Baidu studied some older tutorials, selected the Export2Excel.js plug-in, the function can be achieved, but now the exported table is only the most basic style, if you want to export a style table, how to set? (for example, set the head column of the table to be in red font, what is the column width of a column, etc.)


just use the native one

// a
<a v-show="false" ref="Export"></a>

<button @click="daochu"></button>
    daochu() {
      this.$"/url",data).then(response=> {
        let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([]));
        //[ ]
        let el = this.$refs.exportExcel;//
        el.href = url;// 
        el.setAttribute("download", ".xlsx"); //;

have you solved the problem? I also encountered the same requirement that could not be solved
