How to click the button to pop up a custom component

to put it simply, I wrote a component myself and wanted to click the register button on the previous page (registration page), and then jump to the component I wrote myself. The components that need to pop up are like dialog boxes. Ignore the problem of passing values for the time being.
the effect is as follows:

the component code is as follows

<template id="success">
  <div class="show-modal">
    <div class="show-mask">
      <!--  -->
      <img :src="icon.Iconframe" style="max-width:100%;">
      <!--  -->
      <img :src="icon.Icontick" style="z-index:100;position:absolute;margin-left:-75%;margin-top:115%;width:13%;height:7%;">
      <!--  -->
      <p style="margin-top:-73%;margin-left:18%;font-size:25px;">

<!-- --> <cube-button class="button" @click="Postto" id="successbutton"></cube-button> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Icontick from "@/assets/icons/ic_tick.png" import Iconframe from "@/assets/icons/img_frame.png" export default { data () { return { icon: { Icontick, Iconframe } } }, methods: { Postto () { window.location.href = "" } }, props: { value: {} // valuev-model }, mounted () { this.showMask = this.value }, watch: { value (newVal, oldVal) { this.showMask = newVal }, showMask (val) { this.$emit("input", val) }, closeMask () { this.showMask = false } } } </script>

do you use a third-party component library? There are generally modal boxes, you can learn about it. It's not difficult to write your own pages, just use the fixed layout for the background mask.
