ElementUI date Selector

problem description

I backfill in the date in a piece of data (framed in red) (framed in green), and click on the first piece of data to set the validity period of the invitation code, but I can"t backfill it by clicking on the second piece of data. But the corresponding data can be printed out

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried


related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

 <el-button v-if="powerSet" :disabled="new Date(scope.row.validPeriod).getTime() < new Date().getTime()"  class="btn-info" @click="examineSet(scope)" type="primary" size="mini"></el-button>

        examineSet(scope) {
            console.log("new Date(scope.row.startTime)",new Date(scope.row.startTime));
            this.showDetailSet = true;
            this.setInviteNum = scope.row.serialCode;
            this.setInviteId = scope.row.id;
            this.invitePeopleSet = scope.row.invitationsNumber;
            this.validitySet[0] = new Date(scope.row.startTime);
            this.validitySet[1] = new Date(scope.row.validPeriod);

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

when backfilling for the second time, it is normal data


the setting button in template binds a click event @ click= "examineSet (scope.row)"
writes your bound event examineSet (row) {} in methods. Row can get the data of that row in the current element table, and the time you need can be obtained in that row. If you console.log (row), you will understand, and then convert the time you obtained into the format you need. Bidirectionally bound parameters

passed to the pop-up box

gives you a solution to put a set of data in data, such as dialogData, which is used to store dialog dialog data.

  return {
    dialogData : {
      name : '', // 
      code : '', // 
      maxNum : 0,  // 
      dayTime : null, // 

then add a click event to the table, get the value of row, assign the value in the this.dialogData object again, and then ok it. It will change every time. If you're worried. Then add a value to dialog that is the same as the value that the dialog display is turned off.
