The problem of vue routing splicing

<nuxt-link :to="item.titles">{{ item.titleOne }}</nuxt-link>

I think it doesn"t work to concatenate a / first
in this route, that is, : to= "item.titles" . : to= "item.titles/first"
how to change it, please?

: to= "item.titles +'/ first'"

first configure sub-item routing reference website under router ide/essentials/nested-routes.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> vue nested route

1, configure path, in item.titles in routes Change it to path:'item.titles/:first'
2 and use programmatic routing to write it. If this.$router.push ({name:' routing name'}, params: {parameter}) is written like this, it can jump to

:to="item.titles + '/first'"
even if it is not configured in routes.