Vw layout is introduced on the basis of vant-ui, and warning appears.

each vant component reports a warning, but the page does not affect

excuse me, what caused this? which rule of Eslint is violated? I want to remove it


the following is the configuration of postcss

"postcss": {

"plugins": {
  "postcss-import": {},
  "postcss-url": {},
  "postcss-aspect-ratio-mini": {},
  "postcss-write-svg": {
    "utf8": false
  "postcss-cssnext": {},
  "postcss-px-to-viewport": {
    "viewportWidth": 750,
    "viewportHeight": 1334,
    "unitPrecision": 3,
    "viewportUnit": "vw",
    "selectorBlackList": [
    "minPixelValue": 1,
    "mediaQuery": false
  "postcss-viewport-units": {},
  "cssnano": {
    "preset": "advanced",
    "autoprefixer": false,
    "postcss-zindex": false

I hope the boss who has encountered similar problems will give us some advice


postcss-js this setting is true, postcss-safe-parser setting false

found the problem. I introduced the vw layout as configured in the article https://www.w3cplus.com/mobil..

but I copied some of the plug-ins referenced in this article without an in-depth understanding of the features.

checked all the postcss plug-ins


vw(Safari,old Android Stock Browser,IE9



to the configuration

"postcss-viewport-units": {


is really quiet

Thank you for solving my problem
