Gnvm error

PS C:\Windows\system32> gnvm config INIT
Notice: registry      init success, new value is
Notice: noderoot      init success, new value is C:\Program Files\nodejs\
Notice: globalversion init success, new value is 10.13.0-x86
PS C:\Windows\system32> gnvm ls
Notice: gnvm.exe root is C:\Program Files\nodejs\\
Waring: don"t have any available Node.js version, please check your input. See "gnvm help install".
PS C:\Windows\system32>

.gnvmrc file shows version 10.13, but ls means no. What"s the problem? just installed gnvm


Thank you for the invitation.

did not use gnvm, to look at the github page seems to have stopped for a long time, do not rule out incompatibility.
