About the failure of vueRouter next ('/')

problem description

wrote a demo of vue-router and wanted to implement:

  • enter the page and first redirect to / index and then there is a < router-link to= "/ login" > to login < / router-link > Click to jump to the / login page;
  • but I wrote in the global guard that when to.paht ="/ login" , I skip to the front page via next ("/") ;
  • normally, it will be skipped to the front page and should not go to the / login page;
  • but now you can enter, and when you use http://localhost:8080/-sharp/login, the second time you type a link in the address bar, you will automatically jump to / index but once and still enter / login ;

related codes

router.js routing

    path: "/",
    redirect: "/index"
    path: "/index",
    name: "index",
    component: Index
    path: "/login",
    name: "login",
    component: Login
    path: "/404",
    name: "404",
    component: PageError
    path: "*",
    redirect: "/404"

Global Guard in main.js

router.beforeEach((to, form, next) => {
  console.log("-beforeEach-", to.path)
  if (to.path === "/login") {

data output by console

 -beforeEach- /index
 -beforeEach- /login

in theory, the output of -login- should trigger next ("/") , and then enter the guard output -beforeEach- / and enter / index , but the guard is not actually triggered again.

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

  • try to change next ("/") to next ("/ a") then you can successfully enter the / 404 page;
  • but enter http://localhost:8080/-sharp/login via url to enter the / login page;
  • tries to find a rule, that is, when the path of the current page is the same as next ("/") , the jump will fail;

router.beforeEach((to, form, next) => {
  console.log('-beforeEach-', to.path);
  if (to.path === '/login') {
  } else {

to this, if you encounter '/ login' , you will execute next
