How does the vue mobile save the picture locally?

Images are still pictures in the project. After being packaged into app, how do you save one of these pictures to your phone in app? I see Sina Weibo Baidu Tieba these APP are all click on the picture quality pop-up this picture long press the picture to save how to achieve this effect

    <div id="product">
      <img :src="item" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key=index class="img-responsive">

export default {
  name: "Product",
  data () {
    return {
      list: [

<style scoped>

img tag already supports this effect. As long as your picture is displayed on the page, users will be prompted to save

this depends on the running environment of your page. If the browser or webview provides a long press to save pictures, then natural support.
if the running environment is not provided, you can open an image url for download by pressing the event by the listener. Long press events are simulated by touchStart and touchEnd.

Hello, have you solved it yet? I am also working on saving the picture. Please let me know if you have solved it. Thank you
