How many friends are following Node.js?

Node.js is a new solution, based on V8 engine, using Javascript to write front and back end code, natural event-driven, non-blocking requests, very suitable for websites such as Web2.0 that require frequent write operations, with high concurrency and excellent performance. At present, Node.js has been released to 0.5.0, and there are more and more applications and plug-ins. Express is one of the MVC frameworks based on Node.js. For more information about Node.js, please follow its official website, or friends on the cnode Chinese community

Segment. How many people are following Node.js?

personally, I am very optimistic about Node.js,. I think it can give rise to many very Cool services, such as Instagram"s real-time photo API interface service


did not read the manual, just saw the relevant reports, wait and see

very promising, the main problems
1. The complexity of JavaScript, CoffeeScript may solve complex problems
two Just started, related libraries, there are too few mature cases
3. Performance is very good, rapid prototyping to product development

Node.js+MongoDB will one day replace LAMP

personally think node.js is a cool technology, can quickly write out some services, in contrast, I do not care much about its web capabilities, this is not its strength, but it is too easy to write a web service. I'm going to use it to write about the comet service of this site

I'm one of them. I'm currently learning ing

followers. After this game project, I'm going to learn about ~

always follow node.js.

has just begun to learn, and I feel that

Node.js is very suitable for low CPU and IO-intensive applications, and its execution efficiency is also very high. If its own development stabilizes, I think more and more people will use it.

well, I am very optimistic about it.

good. Hope to know more

there should be a lot more now

just started to follow.

do you have any friends who are new to node.js recently? You can set up a small group to learn together: 324633698.

nodejs is mainly used as the middle tier, just like the separation of the front and back ends of node in Taobao, and the database interface has not been processed yet. Java. is still used for database operation. But the development potential of node is invincible.

count me in, transferred from backend java.

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It points to need to find a good balance between yourself and others. Not an easy task, especially with storng placement of north node pointing to need to be at the center of attention but at the same time being an inspiration to others which requires decent Purchase an Assignment UK dose of humbleness

I hope the official nodejs on windows will come out

as soon as possible.