The problem of dynamic Generation of list v-for Loop by vue




<table class="projectTable">
              <tr v-for="(item,index) in form.columnSetupArr" v-if="index>=4">
                        <el-col :span="20">
                          <el-input style="width:120px" v-model="item.columnName"></el-input>
                        <!-- <el-col :span="20">
                          <el-input style="width:120px" v-model="item.columnDetail"></el-input>
                        </el-col> -->
                            <el-form-item label="">
                            <el-col :span="10">
                              <el-input v-model="item.columnDetail"></el-input>
                        <el-select v-model="item.isColumnTableVal" placeholder="">
                                v-for="item in isnewCustomTableItemsOptions"

Click the button to push an object in the array to dynamically generate a row of data from a table table, and then v-for to render the data.
because there is an input in each row that needs to be bound to the input, that is, the item.columnName = "item.columnName". The problem now is that after several item.columnName are generated, all the item.columnName are linked, that is, I modify the input in the first row and then the input value of the same v-model in the next few rows will also change. What should I do with this


change it to the following


the subject is always the same object every time it is added to the array this.form.columnSetupArr . The object is of reference type, which, of course, leads to linkage.
upstairs is the right way. You can also use this.form.columnSetupArr.push (Object.assign ({}, this.newCustomTable) . In short, the problem is to solve the problem of referencing the same object.
