How can for not output itself in vuejs?

for example, I have a form that is generated from an array

    <input v-for="n in 10"></input>

but the content of my form is not just input . I want to output the corresponding tags based on the data in the array to achieve this effect:


then I can only write

    <div v-for="n in 10">
        <input v-if="n==0"></input>
        <hr v-if="n==1"></hr>

the effect of this is actually like this:


loop is actually written in the subkey of form, and I don"t want to wrap each subitem with a layer of div,.

that is, I just want a for loop instead of outputting the tag where the for itself is located.


just add the v-for directive to this tag:


    <template v-for="n in 10">
        <input v-if="n==0"></input>
        <hr v-if="n==1"></hr>

ide/list.html-sharpv-for-on-a-lt-template-gt" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> Vue.js guide: list rendering-v-for on template
