The Boolean values in the vue change array are not changed on the page.

demo is here

<div id="app">
  <div @click="change(0)">
new Vue({
  el: "-sharpapp",
  data: {
    arr: [true, false, false]
  methods: {
      change: function(index){
        this.arr[index] = !this.arr[index]
The output in the

method finds that the value has changed, but there is no change on the page. what is the reason?


the document is written:
due to the limitation of JavaScript, Vue cannot detect the array of the following changes:

when you set an item directly using the index, for example: vm.items [indexOfItem] = newValue
when you modify the length of the array, for example: vm.items.length = newLength

ide/list.html-sharp%E6%95%B0%E7%BB%84%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0%E6%A3%80%E6%B5%8B" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">

you need to make a deep copy

this.arr[index] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.arr[index]))


The key code of the

function can be one of the following. If the array subscript is assigned directly, the vue cannot listen for data updates.

      this.arr.splice(index, 1, !this.arr[index])
      this.$set(this.arr, index, !this.arr[index])

this.$set (this.arr,index,ture/false)
