How does VUE bind DOM elements created by JS/JQ to two-way data binding? For example, create a new input element and how to bind v-model

var input = $("<input style="width:100px; height:30px;" type="text" name="" autocomplete="off" class="layui - input" v-model="accountName">")

for example, the DOM I created with JQ cannot be bound. What should I do?


in fact, the DOM you see in template is not really DOM..

if you need to manually create a DOM-based element and manually insert it into the DOM tree, think of it as a component.

  1. create a vue component.
  2. inherits and creates an vue instance in vm.extend.
  3. compile
  4. by manual vm.$mount ()
  5. then append it into body.

you can refer to the official introduction to extend () and mount ()

Don't use the idea of jquery to use vue.
if you don't know how to implement it in vue, you can state your requirements
