Who can recommend some websites made by vue?

vue is so popular now, why is it difficult to see a website made by vue on the Internet, especially an enterprise website? it seems that there are only a few:

1) https://www.bilibili.com (bilibili)
2) http://m.sohu.com (Mobile Sohu)
3) https://juejin.im/timeline (Nuggets)
4) https://classics.autotrader.com (New&Used Classic Car for sale)
6) http://qiqu.uc.cn
7) https://m.uhouzz.com/apartments (living in a foreign land)

who can recommend a few simple points of vue to do under the website study.


Vue website and Analysis

  1. High-traffic vue website

1) https://www.bilibili.com (bilibili)
2) http://m.sohu.com (Mobile Sohu)
3) https://juejin.im/timeline (Nuggets)
4) https://classics.autotrader.com (New&Used Classic Car for sale)
6) http://qiqu.uc.cn
7) https://m.uhouzz.com/apartments (living in a foreign land)

  1. SEO Analysis of the Vue website

1) bilibili makes basic seo optimizations, such as
(1) TDK description in detail.
(2) improve page loading speed: delayed loading and dns-prefetch,preload are used for Outreach css, and js.
(3) there are more outreach and high keyword ranking.
2) the meta, of the Nuggets website using the vue-meta-info management website should be optimized with the use of prerender-spa-plugin.
3) Element adds the home address to logo, and only logo is placed in the H1 tag.
4) there are some websites with low traffic, such as http://www.marshall.edu (Marshall University) has optimized seo social sharing, and a new thing such as property=" og:title "appears in meta messages. https://we.dji.com/zh-CN/campus (DJI recruitment) uses Nuxt

  1. the most frequently seen public component or public method in the website

1) Bread crumb navigation
2) Icon
3) search box
4) Button component

original link address: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_3410.
