Why can't css styles be inserted as link in vue native development?

I see that when developing css, the style line is inserted into the head, and you can"t see it in the network. But online is in the form of link, can"t it be inserted in the form of link when developing?


projects built with scaffolding are all written in files with the suffix .vue. In fact, .vue is a file suffix customized by vue-cli. After you have written the code, the vue scaffolding will find the style tag to extract the contents and put them into a separate css file, while the rest will be compiled into js code and saved. Then add the differences between js and css paths

development environment and production environment in the newly generated html.
Development Environment simply uses style-loader to insert style tags without additional processing, such as merging resources and adding md5 suffixes, in order to make the compilation faster and the development experience better.
production environment is prepared for project deployment and will do additional operations such as resource optimization, so the compilation time is longer.

webpack provides
1. CSS module hot replacement css Modules and so on
2. Less Sass preprocessor is more convenient

link can be introduced, but you need to refresh the page

after you modify css .

I am react developer

generally speaking, you can use import directly.

link can be used, but you need to add

to index.html .

quote in scaffolding index.html, or import quote in main.js
