The contents of the md file edited by vuepress are garbled.

use vuepress for the first time, follow the official document, and the page shows garbled code after running.

-sharp  VuePress 
yarn add -D vuepress -sharp :npm install -D vuepress

-sharp  docs 
mkdir docs

-sharp  markdown 
echo "-sharp Hello VuePress!" > docs/

npx vuepress dev docs
results show


tried version 0.x and the latest version 1.x. I have also tried npm installation and yarn installation. Also built a new empty project to try it is also the same, I do not know what caused it.


I do the same, guessing is a coding problem saved after creating a new file on the command line.
Open the docs/ file and rewrite it.

character format changed to utf-8

delete and create a new
