Does vue-cli3.0 package the lower version of Android webview to open the white screen?

No error was reported with eruda. After grabbing the package, it was found that the network request was not initiated. Who knows why?
Mobile phone is Le Letv Mobile phone max2, but it can be opened with its own browser. Open blank with app"s webview


through troubleshooting bundle, it is found that some of the plug-ins for swiper carousel are es6 version, because babel-loader automatically filters the files in node_modules, which causes the old version of mobile browsers to fail to open, which is later fixed by customizing loader rules.

first of all, you let Android catch log to troubleshoot the problem and see if js is blocking code execution. Or what) or directly belongs to the unloaded state
for many reasons, first check

I also have devices that have encountered unified problems
