The weex input input box cannot update the value above vm in real time on the iOS side, but on the web side it can

the following example shows: (you can click on it and try scanning code on the web and mobile phone respectively)

I have in @ input that no matter what value is entered in the input box, its vm.txtInput is assigned to 3, and then the value of input in the view is automatically updated to 3.

can be implemented on the playground on the web side. No matter what I type in input, it will automatically become 3


however, running with the playground scan code on ios will only be effective the first time, and the rest of the cases will not automatically become 3. As shown in the following figure, I enter 666, but the view will not be forced to 3, but the value above vm is still 3:



ask everyone, what is the reason for this? Whether I can help or not, I would like to say thank you first.


Wow, you really are. If you set the value of input back to 3 each time, how do you change the value of input?
