Does css animation in vuejs not trigger v-enter class problems?

official website link:
ide/transitions.html-sharpCSS-%E5%8A%A8%E7%94%BB" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> css Animation in vue

The use of
CSS animation is the same as CSS transition, except that the v-enter class name is not deleted immediately after the node inserts DOM, but when the animationend event is triggered.

according to the demo on the official website, I added the bounce-enter class, but I didn"t see the effect. First of all, I was not sure what the above reference meant, and the test code I wrote had no corresponding effect. Why?

  color: blue;

Test address: corresponding test address on codepen


this is my previous note about vue animation. Please refer to

        /* v-enter  */
        /* v-leave-to  */
            opacity: 0;
            transform: translateX(150px);
        /* .v-enter-active */
        /* .v-leave-active */
            transition: all 1s ease;
           li  12,3,4
            transition: all 1s ease;
            position: absolute;

        /* v- */
        /* my- namemytransition */
            opacity: 0;
            transform: translateY(150px);
            transition: all 1s ease;

Hello, have you solved your problem? I also found that there is something wrong with the statement on the official citrus website
