How does Vue monitor an object and execute a method when the content of the object changes?

how does Vue monitor an object and execute a method when the content of the object changes?


you can use the watch method in vue to listen to the object. Set deep:true to do deep listening. When the properties in the object change, the handler method will be called, and you can write your logic in it

    <input v-model="">

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      user: {
          name: ''

      user: {
        deep: true,
        handler: function (newVal,oldVal){
          console.log('newValue', newVal);

it is recommended that you use watch listening events to complete

., watch: {'params.limit': function (newValue, oldValue) {}, name: function (newValue, oldValue) {}},

suppose you have an object in your ViewModel that is {params: {limit:'}, name:''}

solve this how to monitor?

<table ...>
    <tr v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index" :class="{ actived : selected === index}">
      <td>{{ }}</td>
        <input v-if="item.editable" v-model="item.age" type="number" ... />
        <span v-else>{{ item.age }}</span>

how do I automatically focus on the input box when a row is selected for editing? < td: ref= "'input' + index". > invalid , < tr index for = "(item, index) in items": key= "index": ref= "item". > is also not available through $el.querySelector (' input.number') .
