Failed to modify the maximum number of files on the server. I don't know why.

modify the maximum number of files on the server
add vi / etc/ scurity/ limits.conf

* soft    nofile  65536  
* hard    nofile  65536

/ etc/sysctl.conf file has been added


enter a command

sysctl -p

exit restart xftp link and enter ulimit-a

open files is still 1024. Ask how to modify it.

the system is ubuntu 16


looks like / etc/security/limits.conf the specified parameter does not take effect

the format of this file is

<domain>      <type>  <item>         <value>

domain location can be root , * , @ group name , user name .

such as

 user1   soft    nofile  40000
 user1   hard    nofile  40000

whether it is effective or not. Pass

ulimit -n


your * was not seen before due to typesetting problems. Please ignore this answer. It may be helpful to refer to this

