Can nginx anti-generation carry cookies login-free?

previously posted a post to tswap 497276

I have nothing to do, and I have a lot of trouble myself

first go to the target station to log in to the account and capture cookies

then use instead of, reverse add_head Set-Cookie, and write down the captured cookies

when you open, you need to refresh it before you become logged in

the cookies caught by the PC is replaced by a mobile browser, and the refresh is not the login status


the cookies caught by the mobile phone can be refreshed and logged in by the mobile phone, but it does not work on the PC side.

the head is big, please give me some advice

nginx configuration depends entirely on Baidu.

set $ck1 "";
set $ck2 "";
set $ck3 "";
set $ck4 "";
set $ck5 "";
set $ck6 "";
set $ck7 "";
set $ck8 "";
add_header    Set-Cookie $ck1;
add_header    Set-Cookie $ck2;
add_header    Set-Cookie $ck3;
add_header    Set-Cookie $ck4;
add_header    Set-Cookie $ck5;
add_header    Set-Cookie $ck6;
add_header    Set-Cookie $ck7;
add_header    Set-Cookie $ck8;
if ($http_referer ~* ""){
    set $ck1 "CzG_auth=1536h7ruVnpPjOIj3u5%2BAA18XqvzmwgQ9QjjP";
    set $ck2 "CzG_onlineusernum=4958";
    set $ck3 "__utma=130678855.1246107918.1549469240.1550143956.1550149648.4";
    set $ck4 "__utmb=130678855.1.10.1550149648";
    set $ck5 "__utmc=130678855";
    set $ck6 "__utmt=1";
    set $ck7 "checkpm=1";
    set $ck8 "__tins__3932781=%7B%22sid%22%3A%20155014968";

the destination station is discuz, and I don"t know which cookies records online status, so all of them are written

. is restricted to passers-by, only for visitors from


you should append the Cookie header on the request, not the set-cookie on the return. For example, proxy_set_header:Cookie xxxx
