Ask for help, the company's SMS login interface re-sent, urgent!

enter the mobile phone number, the user will receive SMS verification code, but now the situation is a little strange, mobile users are normal, Unicom users will receive two verification codes (different), the interval is about 1 minute, the company tried several numbers, so kneel! (the developer says his code is fine.)

< H1 > Thank you. The problem was solved that night. It was the development of the computer. Just restart it. < / H1 >

extract the function of sending text messages separately (do not allow all business logic) to test Unicom. If it is still two messages, contact the SMS service provider

I think you may have sent it twice, because numbers in mainland China are usually sent through the same channel. Or did you only request once, but bug appeared on the side of the SMS provider, resulting in a resend to China Unicom

did you request the interface twice in a short period of time?
