On the problem of obtaining ref in v-for

<template lang="html">
<div class="a">
  <div class="goods-container">
      <div class="goods-left" ref="leftScroll">
          <li class="goods-left-list" :class="{"active":currentIndex===idex}" v-for="(item,idex) in goods" :key="item.name" @click="tofood(idex)">
            <span class="text border-1px">
              <span class="icon" v-if="item.type>0" :class="icon[item.type]"></span>{{item.name}}
      <div class="goods-right" ref="rightScroll">
          <li class="goods-right-wrapper iconclass "  v-for = "item in goods " :key="item.name"  ref="item">
            <h1 class="goods-title" ref="a">{{item.name}}</h1>
              <li class="goods-item border-1px"
                v-for = "food in item.foods"
                @click="getfoodinfo(food, $event)"
                <img :src="food.icon" alt="" class="goods-icon">
                <div class="goods-content">
                  <h1 class="goods-name">{{food.name}}</h1>
                  <p class="goods-description">{{food.description}}

<p class="goods-sell">:{{food.sellCount}}<span class="goods-sell-rating"> {{food.rating}}%</span>

<p class="goods-price"> <span class="goods-price-one-icon"></span><span class="goods-price-one">{{food.price}}</span><span v-show="food.oldPrice" class="goods-price-two-icon"></span><span v-show="food.oldPrice" class="goods-price-two">{{food.oldPrice}}</span>

</div> <div class="goodsControl-wrapper" > <transition><goodsControl :food="food" @getdom="getdom" ></goodsControl></transition> </div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <shop :seller="seller" :goods="goods" ref="shop"></shop> <food :foodInfo="foodInfo" @getdom="getdom" ref="foodInfoShowDom"></food> </div> </div> </template>
  mounted() {
    // this.getItemHeight();
    // this.$nextTick(() => {
    //   this.getItemHeight();
    setTimeout(() => {
getItemHeight() {
      //  0  
      let item = this.$refs.item;
      let height = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < item.length; iPP) {
        height += item[i].clientHeight;
        //   height += item[i].style.height;  

look at other people"s saying that it"s OK to get ref on v-for in mounted or this.$nextTick execution method, but I"ve tried it. I can only use settimeout, but I still report an error when I stay with its peer component for a long time and switch back.
getItemHeight ()
item fast switching is no problem
how to solve

an error was reported when switching back to merchandise for a longer stay in comments with its peer component


is the data in your good array obtained asynchronously by the interface? If this is the case, the first mounted completion only renders the DOM that can be rendered, and the data obtained asynchronously can only be obtained by nextTick after the data is loaded. In addition, note that refs is not responsive, so do not bind it to data . setTimeout is executed after the end of the event loop in the same batch, so it ensures that all synchronous and asynchronous responses are executed between them.
