Vue stayed in the commodity component for a long time before returning to the component to report an error.

<template lang="html">
<div class="a">
  <div class="goods-container">
      <div class="goods-left" ref="leftScroll">
          <li class="goods-left-list" :class="{"active":currentIndex===idex}" v-for="(item,idex) in goods" :key="" @click="tofood(idex)">
            <span class="text border-1px">
              <span class="icon" v-if="item.type>0" :class="icon[item.type]"></span>{{}}
      <div class="goods-right" ref="rightScroll">
          <li class="goods-right-wrapper iconclass "  v-for = "item in goods " :key=""  ref="item">
            <h1 class="goods-title">{{}}</h1>
              <li class="goods-item border-1px"
                v-for = "food in item.foods"
                @click="getfoodinfo(food, $event)"
                <img :src="food.icon" alt="" class="goods-icon">
                <div class="goods-content">
                  <h1 class="goods-name">{{}}</h1>
                  <p class="goods-description">{{food.description}}

<p class="goods-sell">:{{food.sellCount}}<span class="goods-sell-rating"> {{food.rating}}%</span>

<p class="goods-price"> <span class="goods-price-one-icon"></span><span class="goods-price-one">{{food.price}}</span><span v-show="food.oldPrice" class="goods-price-two-icon"></span><span v-show="food.oldPrice" class="goods-price-two">{{food.oldPrice}}</span>

</div> <div class="goodsControl-wrapper" > <transition><goodsControl :food="food" @getdom="getdom" ></goodsControl></transition> </div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <shop :seller="seller" :goods="goods" ref="shop"></shop> <food :foodInfo="foodInfo" @getdom="getdom" ref="foodInfoShowDom"></food> </div> </div> </template> <script> import BScroll from "better-scroll"; import shop from "../shop/shop.vue"; import goodsControl from "../goodsControl/goodsControl.vue"; import food from "../food/food.vue"; export default { data() { return { goods: [], icon: ["decrease", "discount", "guarantee", "invoice", "special"], listHeight: [], scorllY: 0, foodInfo: {} }; }, created() { this.getGoods(); }, mounted() { this.scrollall(); // this.getItemHeight(); // this.$nextTick(() => { // this.getItemHeight(); setTimeout(() => { this.getItemHeight(); }); // }); }, updated() { // this.getItemHeight(); // // getItemHeight() watch }, methods: { getGoods() { this.$http.get("/api/goods").then(result => { if (result.body.errno === 0) { this.goods =; } }); }, getfoodinfo(food, event) { this.foodInfo = food; this.$; }, // foodInfoShow() { // this.$ // } scrollall() { this.leftScroll = new BScroll(this.$refs.leftScroll, { click: true }); this.rightScroll = new BScroll(this.$refs.rightScroll, { click: true, probeType: 3 // 3 }); this.rightScroll.on("scroll", (pos) => { this.scorllY = Math.abs(Math.round(pos.y)); }); // this.rightScroll.on("scroll", (pos) => { // }); }, getItemHeight() { // 0 let item = this.$refs.item; console.log(item); let height = 0; this.listHeight.push(height); for (var i = 0; i < item.length; iPP) { height += item[i].clientHeight; // height += item[i].style.height; this.listHeight.push(height); } }, tofood(index) { let item = this.$refs.item; let el = item[index]; this.rightScroll.scrollToElement(el, 300, 0, 0); }, getdom(dom) { this.givedom(dom); }, givedom(dom) { this.$nextTick(() => { this.$; }); } }, components: { shop, goodsControl, food }, computed: { currentIndex() { for (var i = 0; i < this.listHeight.length; iPP) { let h1 = this.listHeight[i]; let h2 = this.listHeight[i + 1]; if (!h2 || (this.scorllY >= h1 && this.scorllY < h2)) { return i; } } return 0; } }, props: ["seller"] }; </script> <style lang="stylus" scoped> @import "../../common/stylus/mixin.styl" .a position: absolute; width: 100% top: 172px bottom: 0px .goods-container display: flex position: absolute; width: 100% top: 0px bottom: 46px overflow: hidden .goods-left overflow: hidden flex: 0 0 80px // width width: 80px background-color: -sharpf3f5f7 .goods-left-list display: table; width: 56px height: 54px padding: 0 12px &.active background-color: white margin-top: -1px border-none() .text display: table-cell vertical-align: middle; font-size: 12px color: black border-1px( rgba(7,17,27,0.1) ) height: 14px .icon display:inline-block background-size:100% 100% background-repeat: no-repeat; vertical-align: top margin-right: 2px width:12px height:12px &.decrease bg-image(decrease_3) &.discount bg-image(discount_3) &.invoice bg-image(invoice_3) &.special bg-image(special_3) &.guarantee bg-image(guarantee_3) .goods-right overflow: hidden flex: 1 .goods-right-wrapper .goods-title height: 26px width: 100% padding-left: 12px border-left: 2px solid -sharpd9dde1 background-color: -sharpf3f5f7 font-size: 12px line-height:26px .goods-item display: flex position: relative; margin: 18px padding-bottom: 18px border-1px( rgba(7,17,27,0.1) ) &:last-child border-none() .goods-icon flex: 0 0 60px margin-right: 10px width: 63px height: 63px .goods-content flex: 1 margin-top: 2px .goods-name margin-bottom: 8px font-size: 14px color: rgb(7,17,27) font-weight:700 .goods-description margin-bottom: 8px font-size: 12px color: rgb(147,153,159) font-weight:500 .goods-sell margin-bottom: 3px font-size: 10px color: rgb(147,153,159) font-weight:500 .goods-sell-rating margin-left: 12px .goods-price font-size: 10px line-height: 24px color: rgb(147,153,159) .goods-price-one-icon vertical-align: middle; color: red .goods-price-one vertical-align: middle; font-size: 14px color: red font-weight: 700 .goods-price-two-icon margin-left: 8px text-decoration: line-through .goods-price-two text-decoration: line-through font-weight: 700 .goodsControl-wrapper position: absolute; bottom: 18px right: 0 </style>



Quick switch print is an array stay print is undefined

The data format of

item may not be an array. Print item to see

let item = this.$refs.item;
 item  dom<li>...</li>

watch: {

  goods() {
    this.$nextTick(() => {

finally watch solves the problem
