Using vue-router in weex?

is there a compatibility error when using vue-router in weex and integrating into Android or ios? Is vue-router recommended in
or weex?
how to achieve the spa effect if you don"t use it?


weex is inherently multi-page, and it is not recommended to try vue-router in the document.

Weex uses native navigator to manage page instances, and the state of multiple instances is isolated. That is, Vuex and vue-router can only work on the current page and cannot share state among multiple pages.

because Weex runs not only in browsers, but mainly in native mobile environments. However, there is neither browser History API nor DOM in Android and iOS. Therefore, if you want to use vue-router in Weex environment, some features are limited and you should pay attention when using it.

reference: ide/advanced/use-vuex-and-vue-router.html-sharp%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8-vue-router" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">
