The navigation menu of ElementUI is not logged in to change the route

first of all, the navigation menu of ElementUI can be used normally.
now I"m going to make a login judgment. If you don"t log in, click "Security Center" and "Finance Center" in the navigation, and the interface will jump to the login screen


now the problem is that you can"t jump to the login interface
code is as follows. I hope you can solve the problem, or is there any other way

handleSelect(key, keyPath) {
    const token = Cookies.get("loginToken");//token
    if(key === "safety" || key === "financial"){//safetyfinancial
        if (!token || token == "") {

            this.$router.push({path: "/login"});

            console.log(this.$route.path)// "/login" 

pseudo code in route interception

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
    if() {
                path: '/logIn'
    } else {