Vue imitates drop-down box, how to bind the value in slot

want to get the value of cusOptions.vue on the cusSelect.vue page

/* cusSelect.vue */
    <input type="text" v-model="value">
    <ul class="select-list" v-show="isopen">
      <slot @get-value="handleSelect"></slot>

  methods: {
    // value
    handleSelect (value) {
      this.value = value
/* cusOptions.vue */
  <li @click.stop="handleSelect">{{label}}</li>

  props: {
    value: String,
    label: String
  methods: {
    handleSelect () {
      this.$emit("getValue", this.value)
/* pageA */
<cus-select :list="list">
    v-for="item in warehouseGroup"

just looked at the implementation of each component library.
is usually bound in the created phase of select

created () {
  this.$on('setSelected', this.handleSelect)

use a custom dispatch in options to trigger this event

this.dispatch('', 'setSelected', '')

dispatch traverses the parent of the child component until it finds = 'parent component name' and then triggers it with $emit.

this is the dispatch code of element-ui

write down the drop-down box yourself or write it in JSX. Many of the things you need are in the object $
