How is the global configuration table (code table) for vue projects usually implemented?

1. Some code tables will be used in vue projects:
such as:

sex: [
    {value:0; text: ""},
    {value:1; text: ""},
    {value:2; text: ""}
    {value:ID; text: ""},
    {value:ID; text: ""},
    {value:1; text: ""},
    {value:2; text: ""},

2. These code tables are also used on the page, such as traversing

<option v-for="item in " :value="item.value">{{ item.text }}</option>

3. Some display pages will also be used (preferably code table data of map type). We haven"t figured out how to unify them, such as

:{{ map.get(1) }}

excuse me, how can this code table be loaded globally and the page can be called anywhere (preferably without import, or writing in data)? I would like to ask you, how do you do it?


vuex, is saved in the state
