Why can't the template of vue component be displayed?

in writing vue component encountered a problem, that is, the template can not be displayed, has not reported an error ~ tried a lot of ways still can not show, collapse, come here to help seniors! Thank you very much!

<div id="app">
    {{a}}   //1
  <template id="aaa">
   <h3 @click="show()">{{msg}}</h3> //
const vm = new Vue({
        el: "-sharpapp",
        data: {
          a: 1
        components: {
          "my-aaa": {
            data() {
              return {
                msg: "welcome"
            methods: {
              show() {
                this.msg = "woof"
            template: "-sharpaaa"

{{msg}}</h3> //

you defined the component, but did not reference it on the node of the vm. So it didn't show up
