What does this CSS code definition mean?

I was looking at the code of a project and found that there is such a definition in its css. What does this mean?

:root[style*="readium-night-on"] {
    --THEME__backgroundColor: -sharp000000;
    --THEME__textColor: -sharpFEFEFE;

    --THEME__linkColor: -sharp63caff;
    --THEME__visitedColor: -sharp0099E5;

I know that root is the selected html file and node, and things like THEME__XXX are custom variables. But I don"t know: what exactly do these definitions mean in [] after root? No relevant documents were found.

Please help the gods. What"s it called? where is the document to read? thank you.


this is called a property selector. For more information, please see w3school introduction

CSS attribute selector. Learn about

for example, input [name = 'yourname'] selects the name in the input tag as yourname, that's what it means.
: root [style*= "readium-night-on"] represents selecting the root node with readium-night-on in the style attribute

this is actually a css3 selector. You can take a look at

attribute selector

css3's attribute selector allows you to match DOM elements more accurately according to attributes
