Vux cell, why isn't title on the left?

the same style as on the document, but the effect is different.
and the height has become much larger

      <cell title="">
          <span slot="default"><span style="vertical-align:middle;"></span> <badge text="99"></badge></span>
          <span slot="title" class="edit-left"></span>
          <span slot="default">{{phone}}</span>
      <cell title="" >
          <span slot="default"><img class="icon" slot="icon" src="../../assets/wx_icon.png"></span>
      <cell title="">
          <span slot="default"></span>

demo vux


style may be overwritten by your own writing, causing the element to change, as you should be able to see by using the debug tool to check the css. I don't have this problem if I copy it directly.
PS: if there is content to be inserted in the default slot, you do not have to write slot=default , and the component will automatically insert the content into the corresponding location

style is overwritten. Check app.vue to find


just get rid of it
