How to bind v-model data to the input box generated by v-for loop

my younger brother has encountered some problems in learning vue.js, recently. As shown in the following figure, I use the v-for loop to generate three rows and two columns of the input box. Now I want to automatically sum the input box of the first column. The second column does not do anything. How should I use v-model for data binding? For example, in the first column, I type 1, 2, 2, 3, respectively, and the page will show that the sum is 6.

in real time.

this is the test code I wrote. Now it is impossible to bind the data in the first column bidirectionally. Please take a look at how to modify

  <div id="app">
    <form action="" :model="inputValues" >
      <div v-for="item in inputValues">
        <input type="text" v-model="item.percentage" placeholder="percentage">
        <input type="text" v-model="" placeholder="group">

    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          inputValues: [
      computed: {
        sumValue() {
          const number1 = Number.isNaN(parseFloat(this.inputValues.percentage))
            ? 0 : this.inputValues.percentage;
          const number2 = Number.isNaN(parseFloat(this.inputValues.percentage))
            ? 0 : this.inputValues.percentage;
          const number3 = Number.isNaN(parseFloat(this.inputValues.percentage))
            ? 0 : this.inputValues.percentage;
          return number1 + number2 + number3
      // <div v-for="(item,index) in inputValues">
      // <input type="text" v-model="item[index].percentage" placeholder="percentage">
      // <input type="text" v-model="item[index].group" placeholder="group">
      // </div>
      // ....
      // computed:{
      //   sumValue() {
      //     var sum = 0;
      //     this.inputValues.foreach((item)=>{
      //       sum +=  Number.isNaN(parseFloat(this.item[index].percentage))
      //              ? 0 : this.item[index].percentage;
      //     })
      //     return sum;
      //   }
      // }

my brother"s foundation is not good. Please take a look at the code and teach you how to modify it. Thank you


const number3 = Number.isNaN(parseFloat(this.inputValues[2].percentage))
            ? 0 : this.inputValues[2].percentage;

inputValues is the array
inputValues [0] so
or forEach loop reduce

sumValue() {
          var sum = 0;
            sum +=  Number.isNaN(parseFloat(item.percentage))
                    ? 0 : parseFloat(item.percentage);
           return sum;
return  this.inputValues.reduce((total,value) => {
    return Number.isNaN(parseFloat(value.percentage)) ? 
    total : 
    total + parseFloat(value.percentage)

or take a look at mdn

"request_body": {

"personCode": "",
"profileEmail": "",
"password": ""


< tr VFF = "(value,key) in request_body" >

<td v-text="key">-</td>
<td v-text="value">-</td>
<td><input v-model="request_body[key]"/></td>

< / tr >
