Do you still need import after the introduction of vue and axios through cdn?

vue, axios reduce the volume of packaging through cdn reference
configuration in webpack.base.config.js:


Why do you still need import? in main.js at this time? If you don"t import, you will get an error


if we want to reference a library, but do not want webpack to package
, this means that we will not package these frameworks into
when the production environment is finally packaged, but we still need import in the development environment when main.js. Otherwise, how can the project recognize these things

turn off eslint.

webpack multi-page application architecture series (4): old-fashioned jQuery plug-ins can not be lost, how to be compatible?

this externals actually solves the problem when you want to introduce it in a way like import or require, but don't want to package the module, but introduce it through the script tag.


error is actually caused by the ESlint rule no-undef .

there are two policies to resolve:
1, disable rules (not recommended)
modify .eslintrc , and add ignore rules.


I also encountered this problem. After introducing vue through sdn, I hinted how Vue is undefined, solved
