How does the v-charts.js backend transmit data?

this is a case study. How do programmers transfer data?

                        <div id="huiKuan" style="height:350px">
                          <ve-line :data="chartData" :settings="chartSettings"  :colors="["-sharpff7e52", "-sharp50abf1", "-sharp5b4947"]" :loading="false"></ve-line>

                        new Vue({
                            el: "-sharphuiKuan",
                            created: function () {
                                this.chartData = {
                                    columns: ["", "", ""],
                                    rows: [
                                        { "": "1",  "": 1000000, "": 2002000 },
                                        { "": "2",  "": 4000000, "": 3002000 },
                                        { "": "3",  "": 3000000, "": 9002000 },
                                        { "": "4",  "": 1000000, "": 1002000 },
                                        { "": "5",  "": 1000000, "": 1002000 },
                                        { "": "6",  "": 1000000, "": 12000000 },
                                        { "": "7",  "": 4000000, "": 1002000 },
                                        { "": "8",  "": 1000000, "": 8002000 },
                                        { "": "9",  "": 1000000, "": 4002000 },
                                        { "": "10", "": 1000000, "": 2002000 },
                                        { "": "11", "": 1000000, "": 3002000 },
                                        { "": "12  ", "": 5000000, "": 6002000 },
                                this.chartSettings = {


you can use Axios to get data.
1. The back end writes api interface files, database information, and data query statements
2. The front end uses the get method to obtain the json data from api
this.$axios.get (' http://localhost:3000/zfjd/zscqbh')

    .then( res => {