The use of Vue.set is Vue.set (app.$data, 'baked, 2). Why do you add $before data?

Vue.set (app.$data, "baked, 2)

Why do you add $before data, and if you don"t add $, you will report an error


app.$data is an instance attribute. You can read the data

in data .
the data object observed by the Vue instance. The Vue instance proxies access to its data object properties.

vue document
ide/instance.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> ide/instance.html" rel= "nofollow noreferrer" >

if you take a separate data object, you don't need to add $; but you take the whole data option of Vue, of course you need to add it. For example:

var app = new Vue({
  data: {
    return {
      a: 10

Vue.set(app.$data, 'b', 3) // b
Vue.set(app.a, 'b',3) // ab