The element is obtained through ref in vue. What can be used to change the content?


error report is shown in the figure. Tell me that innerHTML is undefined. What"s going on?


is not innerHTML is undefined , but this.$refs.noticeContentLater is undefined . You didn't get the element.

-Update answer-
there are many ways to get child element variables. There is nothing wrong with using this.$refs, but the subcomponents should update the corresponding variables in a timely manner. For example:


  <div id="main">example</div>
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      noticeContentLater: null
  update: function () {
    this.noticeContentLater = document.getElementById('main')

you can also use the method of listening for events, such as the event that triggers the parent component listening in the child component update, to update the variable, so you need this.$refs. For example,

parent component

  <div id="app">
    <child @updateDom="fUpdate"></child>
export default {
  data () {
    return {
      myDom: null
  method: {
    fUpdate: function (element) {
      this.myDom = element


  <div id="main">example</div>
export default {
  update: function () {
    this.$emit('updateDom', document.getElementById('main'))

of course, in any case, it doesn't feel necessary for Vue to directly manipulate the Dom element, so if you want to update the attributes of the element, you can bind it in advance.


Vue gets dom, it's best to use $nextTick, in mounted when the dom is updated after the page is rendered.
