Multiple routes in Vue share a component, how to prevent the component from being cached?

this is my Route, An and B common component Common.

let routes = [
    path: "/A",
    name: "A",
    component: Common,
    path: "/B",
    name: "B",
    component: Common,
The code for the

Common component is as follows. After I clicked on the button several times, the jump to B _ # doesn"t work, and it shows the changed number value. How to avoid caching to allow Common components to re-render?

         <button @click="click"> Click Me!</button>
         The value of number is: {{number}}
         <button @click="next">Click Me to navigate to next route!</button> 

// @ is an alias to /src
import _ from "lodash";
export default {
  name: "Common",
   data: function() {
    return {
        number: 1
  methods: {
     click: function() {
     next: function() {
         this.$router.push({path: "B"});
  mounted: function() {
    console.log("enter mounted");
  destroyed: function() {

I found that I can add the following method to the Common component, so that when you jump from A to B, the data in B is the original data, but there is still a problem, transition still does not work, how to solve it.

beforeRouteLeave: function(to, from, next) {
      Object.assign(this.$data, {number: 1});

:key = "handleDate()"

    return new Date().getTime()

add a key to the component
